Thursday, September 24, 2009

Young Gandhi torchbearer visits UP

Yesterday's UP visit by Rahul Gandhi has been the hot topic of the day throughout headlines. Admist the plethora of politicians who endorse and sensationalize their own visits and trips, here is a man who begs to differ. Going to remote locations, and interacting with people on a personal level, has been an integral element of the Amethi noble. It follows that  Rahul Gandhi has strictly taken to heart, the Congress policy of 'Youth leadership'.
On Wednesday morning, the Gandhi scion reached the small hamlet of Shravasti in UP taking a rather unconventional way of transport. Admist surprised villagers, who had been foretold of a 'bade saab's' visit, he sat and discussed their problems regarding water shortage, education and land issues. He took shelter in a Dalit's cottage, and ate khichdi with them. Rather, a noble quality, something which reminds us of yesterday, when his father Rajiv scouted the streets of the country to get a better look at the people's lifestyle and problems. The young Gandhi it seems, has taken to his family lineage feature of refusing plush political life.
On the other hand, Mayawati, doesn't seem happy, what with Rahul sneaking under her very nose, uninvited. Even the Special Potection Group(SPG) violated its protocol, by not informing the state police beforehand. It seems the SPG didn't want to bother the UP police, who were busy guarding the erection of statues in the state, on Maya's orders.
All said, all done, it is time we need more leaders like Rahul Gandhi who can actually connect to the youth and old alike, who can convince villagers to talk freely about their problems, who can go deep into the Indian gutters and clean them with his very own hands.

Copyright ©2009 Y.K.Campwala

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sino-Pak alliance: The latest threat to India

These are proving to be testing times for India. First Pakistan, and now China.
In wake of the recent firings on the Indo-Chinese border, the Border Security Force is said to have beefed up. Also are reports of IAF planes landing and surveillance the Ladakh area.
In a country which is torn between terrorist attacks, naxalite problems, internal conflicts, rampaging swine-flu threats, economic meltdown,fake notes, rapes, murders and whatnot, this might seem to be a minor issue. But one should not forget the enormity of the the potential threat that China poses otherwise, which is keen to infiltrate our lands, in one way or the other.
Be it global issues, stock markets, or productivity, China has always been a fierce competitor, as far as Indian interests are concerned. The term "Hindi-Cheeni bhai bhai" was long buried, so are any attempts to 'improve relations' with India.
It is long known of how they share a mutual feeling with neighbours, Pakistan, regarding their interests towards India. The much speculated secret alliances between the two countries has been a subject of worry, among the Indian defence. With infiltration attempts on the Indo-Pak border ever increasing, it is but obvious, that somewhere a collective effort to destabilize the nation is on both the countries top priorities. If India has to survive, it would be imperative to target all intelligence agencies, to keep track, if not curb, these activities to the very details. It is high-time that India takes strict action to check the discrepancy, which it so vehemently undermines.
Copyright ©2009 Y.K.Campwala